
1991 … A wonderful country..great friends..exhibitions and..prices ..when we got into a car accident in Antwerp..all the newspapers have written about Russian artists..and the result was an exhibition at the Pushkin Center..where Benoit was the director at that time ..one of the…

Venice 2021

Alupka 1

I found this graphic work in my bins ..since the time of studying at the Academy of Arts..I. E. Repin Institute Leningrad summer practice planer .Alupka . 1988

Aluplka 2

Another work from this wonderful planer..


The bison conquering fear

Breakfast on the beach

Once again, the story about oysters .. the accompaniment should be champagne according to the script .. and it turned out to be white wine ..judging by the shape of the glasses..


To paint a good portrait is always good luck. To find the right angle, the composition, to try to catch the elusive in the character of the character … it’s always interesting …

A noble Florentine

…Another portrait of a character of Florentine origin


Spring… mimosa …March 8 …on this day in the Soviet Union, all women were congratulated by men on the holiday. I like it better as Mother’s Day … lately … for some reason… more and more girls send wishes to each other.

Guardian Angels

It turned out to be such a story with Angels, … each of them fulfills its mission …including the Artist Angel (in the lower right corner …in the throes of creativity – ” To draw more?”) – functions by itself …and united together, to protect the house, the owners …by your presence…


It would be nice to call an Angel on his mobile phone ..talk..to ask what worries the topic of Angels came with the 1st confinement..in the spring in March…april 2020.years..the Parisian Angel appeared….and these are Florentine ones …

What do Angels eat?

Another Angel.. on a lunch break.. with a computer, he is interested in the search engine what the Angels eat ..this question is on the une tablette screen ..Que mangent les Anges ?

Jean-Marie Bigard

A famous French comedian and actor…the initiator of our acquaintance and the writing of this portrait is Elena Joly (Paris) …known for her books of interesting stories about celebrities of different genres …writer and organizer of cultural events…


Portrait of a young girl Maria …Maria (histoire de l’art), who lives in Paris, loves the Louvre..art..advises on the acquisition of objets D’arts ..

A memory of Normandy

Full-scale sketches of the northern department of France…summer.wind..the sun…sea max t+19.°


Back to Normandy again in the summer ..la mer bas ..la mer haut …the tide of the sea and the sea goes away …and the windmills at sunset are like monsters …I was startled and terrified …it was on the way back from Dieppe..not far from where William Brouy lives and creates …soviet and French artist, figure of the 2nd Russian avant-garde … visiting and looking at his paintings in the studio …interesting house …

Quiet Power


Florence … where in … I taught at the Academy of Fine Arts this fall …Florentine, which struck me with its appearance, even in a mask …of course, I bought a millitarian-style shirt from her boutique to make a quick sketch of it